Monday, December 2, 2013

Tynker + 21st Century Learners = Unlimited Extensions for Learning

Today’s hangout with +Kevin Elgan, Tynker’s Director of School Programs, set the stage for extensions for learning for my 4th/5th Grade KMExplore Seminar students to build upon.  Students were highly motivated hearing from an expert directly from Tynker, a leading programming tool they became hooked on at first sight. Getting students engaged and enthusiastic about the problem solving nature of coding was simple: I started a class, had my students join with their school assigned Google accounts and showed them the tools.  I added a few optional free lessons for them to solve and started teaming with them to create unique programs to express their charter school foundational habits of mind.  I quickly learned students Tynkered at home as well as during our 45 min. seminar time at school.  They couldn’t get enough.

During today’s hangout we were able to get a sneak peak into Tynker’s soon to launch programming promotional event “Hour of Code.” Kevin interacted with the 9-10 year olds in solving some of the preset puzzles which allowed my students to rise to the challenge in order to impress him with their coding skills. We were able to get a virtual tour of the office area and hear of upcoming Tynker projects. I am thrilled to see where the group wants to pursue this robust, educational tool.  I look forward to our partnership for providing feedback and showcasing programs.  What a great day!  Thank you Google Hangouts, for making it easy for a school in Wisconsin connect with an expert in California! Thank you Kevin, for your time and expertise.

Motivated 9-10 year olds by connecting with 
Tynker's Director of School Programs, Kevin Elgan.

Problem Solvers at Work